Promotional video “Paradise for birds” is now available!

Birdwatcher's Paradise

Nemuro City is situated on the easternmost point of Japan. It’s a veritable paradise for birds, with 370 different species converging here as many of them migrate from Siberia. A place with Steller’s Sea Eagles, Blakiston’s Fish Owls, And Red-crested Cranes, three large wild bird species that cannot be seen in the US. That’s right: Nemuro is a special place for bird watchers from all over the world. The area in Nemuro where the most migratory birds gather is called Shunkunitai. Shunkunitai is a heavenly gathering spot for birds, for it contains coastlines, grassy plains, wetlands, broadleaf forests, and a variety of environments. The birds are attracted to the rich supplies of food, nurtured by the various natural environments.

A Unique Blend of Birdwatching and Fresh Seafood

Nemuro faces both the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Okhotsk, a wide variety of sea life is fished all year round.
At a local restaurant in Nemuro, diners can enjoy the freshest seafood dishes a fishing port has to offer. A sumptuous range of dishes are prepared by the chef.
You can also sample game meat like deer alongside fish.The memories of this fishing port’s rustic charm will surely last a lifetime.
Have an unforgettable experience in Nemuro…
As you encounter its magical scenery and wild birds.





根室市役所 2階
電話番号:0153-23-6111(代表) ファックス:0153-24-8692

